Takagi, H., Lee, N., Hempton, A.K., Purushwani, S., Notaguchi, M., Yamauchi, K., Shirai, K., Kawakatsu, Y., Uehara, S., Albers, W.G., Downing, B.L.R., Ito, S., Suzuki, T., Matsuura, T., Mori, I.C., Mitsuda, N., Kurihara, D., Matsushita, T., Song, Y.H., Sato, Y., Nomoto, M., Uchida, N., Tada, Y., Hanada, K., Cuperus, J.T., Queitsch, C., and *Imaizumi, T.
Florigen-producing cells express FPF1-LIKE PROTEIN 1 to accelerate flowering and stem growth in Arabidopsis.
Dev. Cell, in press Link
多くの植物は季節変化を感受し、適切な時期に花芽形成を行います。モデル植物であるシロイヌナズナでは、春の長日条件が開花誘導の引き金になっていることが分かっています。シロイヌナズナは長日に晒されると、葉の一部の篩部伴細胞で移動性の開花誘導分子(フロリゲンと総称される)FLOWERING LOCUS T(FT)タンパク質を産生し、開花を促進します。しかし、フロリゲンFTを産生する伴細胞と他の伴細胞とでは何が異なるかは分かっていませんでした。そこで私達は、組織特異的な遺伝子発現解析を行い、FTを産生する細胞に特有な性質を明らかにしようと試みました。その結果、FPF1-LIKE PROTEIN 1 (FLP1)という機能未知な遺伝子が、フロリゲン産生細胞で強く発現していることを見出しました。そこで、FLP1タンパク質の機能を詳細に解析した結果、FTと同様に開花促進機能を持つだけではなく、さらに茎の伸長にも寄与することが判明しました。またFLP1遺伝子は、FT遺伝子の発現誘導因子であるCONSTANS(CO)によって転写が制御されていること、また篩部組織で発現したFLP1タンパク質は茎頂まで移動し、花器官形成の鍵遺伝子の発現を誘導することなどを見出しました。これらの知見より、植物は日長の変化に応答して、フロリゲン産生細胞からフロリゲンの他にもFLP1などの複数の移動性タンパク質を送り出し、季節変化に伴う組織分化を多角的に制御していることが解ってきました。今回明らかした知見は、将来農作物の開花、成長の制御にも寄与することが期待されます。
Noguchi, M., Keino, I., Takahashi, H., Yamauchi, S., Fujisawa, M., Haga, K., Sakai, T., Takemiya, A., and *Kodama, Y.
Phototropin 2 mediates daily cold priming to promote light responses in Arabidopsis.
J. Exp. Bot., eraf040 (2025) Link
Noguchi, M., Noda, S., Matsubayashi, Y., and *Kodama, Y.
Phototropin switches between cis- and trans-autophosphorylation in light-induced chloroplast relocation in Marchantia polymorpha.
Plant J., 121, e17183 (2025) Link
Uragami, T., Kiba, T., Kojima, M., Takebayashi, Y., Tozawa, Y., Hayashi, Y., Kinoshita, T., and *Sakakibara, H.
The cytokinin efflux transporter ABCC4 participates in Arabidopsis root system development.
Plant Physiol., 197, kiae628 (2025) Link
Xu, X., Liu, H., Praat, M., Pizzio, G.A., Jiang, Z., Driever, S.M., Wang, R., Van De Cotte, B., Villers, S.L.Y., Gevaert, K., Leonhardt, N., Nelissen, H., Kinoshita, T., Vanneste, S., Rodriguez, P.L., van Zanten, M., Vu, L.D., and *De Smet, I.
Stomatal opening under high temperatures is controlled by the OST1-regulated TOT3–AHA1 module.
Nature Plants, 11, 105-117 (2025) Link
Wang, J., Jin, D., Deng, Z., Zheng, L., Guo, P., Ji, Y., Song, Z., Zeng, H.Y., Kinoshita, T., Liao, Z., Chen, H., *Deng, X.W., and *Wei, N.
The apoplastic pH is a key determinant in the hypocotyl growth response to auxin dosage and light.
Nature Plants, 11, 279-294 (2025) Link
*Kinoshita, S.N., Taki, K., Okamoto, F., Nomoto, M., Takahashi, K., Hayashi, Y., Ohkanda, J., Tada, Y., Finkemeier, I., and *Kinoshita, T.
Plasma membrane H+-ATPase activation increases global transcript levels and promotes the shoot growth of light-grown Arabidopsis seedlings.
Plant J., 121, e70034 (2025) Link
Oh, A., Kimura, R., Inoue, S., Sato, T., Hayashi, Y., Sato, A., Takahashi, Y., and *Kinoshita, T.
Identification of a novel stomatal opening chemical, PP242, that inhibits early abscisic acid signal transduction in guard cells.
Plant Cell Physiol., in press (2025) Link
Hirano, S., Noguchi, M., Thagun, C., Nishio, H., and *Kodama, Y.
Levels of photoactivated phototropin modulate signal transmission during the chloroplast accumulation response.
Plant Cell Environ., 47, 3215-3226 (2024) Link
Nakagawa, A., Sepuru, K.M., Yip, S.J., Seo, H., Coffin, C.M., Hashimoto, K., Li, Z., Segawa, Y., Iwasaki, R., Kato, H., Kurihara, D., Aihara, Y., Kim, S., Kinoshita, T., Itami, K., Han, S.-K., *Murakami, K., and *Torii, K.U.
Chemical inhibition of stomatal differentiation by perturbation of the master-regulatory bHLH heterodimer via an ACT-Like domain.
Nature Commun., 15, 8996 (2024) Link
Ando, E., Taki, K., Suzuki, T., and *Kinoshita, T.
A novel semi-dominant mutation in brassinosteroid signaling kinase1 increases stomatal density.
Front Plant Sci., 15, 1377352 (2024) Link
Jiang, H., Su, J., Ren, Z., Wang, D., Hills, A., Kinoshita, T., Blatt, M.R., *Wang, Y., and *Wang, Y.
Dual function of overexpressing plasma membrane H+-ATPase in balancing carbon-water use.
Science Adv., 10, eadp8017 (2024) Link
Nishiyama, K., Aihara, Y., Suzuki, T., Takahashi, K., Kinoshita, T., Dohmae, N., Sato, A., and *Hagihara, S.
Discovery of a Plant 14-3-3 inhibitor possessing isoform selectivity and in planta activity.
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 63, e202400218 (2024) Link
*Zeng, H., Chen, H., Zhang, M., Ding, M., Xu, F., Yan, F., *Kinoshita, T., *Zhu, Y.
Plasma membrane H+-ATPases in mineral nutrition and crop improvement.
Trends Plant Sci., 29, 978-994 (2024) Link
Midorikawa, K., and *Kodama, Y.
A tool for live-cell confocal imaging of temperature-dependent organelle dynamics.
Microscopy, 73, 343–348 (2024) Link
Yong, L.-K., Keino, I., Kanna, Y., Noguchi, M., Fujisawa, M., and *Kodama, Y.
Functional comparison of phototropin from the liverworts Apopellia endiviifolia and Marchantia polymorpha.
Photochemistry and Photobiology, 100, 782-792 (2024) Link
Hayashi, Y., Fukatsu, K., Takahashi, K., Kinoshita, S.N., Kato, K., Sakakibara, T., Kuwata, K., and *Kinoshita, T.
Phosphorylation of plasma membrane H+-ATPase Thr881 participates in light-induced stomatal opening.
Nature Commun., 15, 1194 (2024) Linkプレスリリース
本研究では、光による気孔開口の分子機構を解明することを目的とし、ソラマメ孔辺細胞プロトプラストを用いた網羅的なホスホプロテオミクスと、シロイヌナズナを用いた遺伝子組換え実験を行いました。その結果、気孔開口において必須の役割を担う細胞膜プロトンポンプの、すでに知られているC末端から2番目のスレオニン残基(Thr948)の青色光によるリン酸化に加え、881番目のスレオニン残基(Thr881)の孔辺細胞葉緑体に作用する赤色光と青色光受容体フォトトロピンに作用する青色光によるリン酸化が、気孔開口に必要であることが明らかとなりました。また、Thr881のリン酸化は、孔辺細胞のみならず、葉や芽生えにおいても観察されること、さらに、リン酸化Thr881の脱リン酸化には、タイプ2CプロテインホスファターゼDが関与することも明らかとなりました。気孔は、シグナルとして作用する青色光のみでは開口せず、孔辺細胞の光合成を誘導する赤色光が必要であることが知られていましたが、本研究により、気孔開口における赤色光と青色光の効果を繋ぐ分子機構の一端が明らかになり、植物のマスターエンザイム・細胞膜プロトンポンプの精緻な活性調節機構が明らかとなりました。なお、本論文は武宮班の論文とback-to-backでNature Communications 誌の同一号に掲載されました。
Ichikawa, S., Sakata, M., Oba, T., and *Kodama, Y.
Fluorescein staining of chloroplast starch granules in living plants.
Plant Physiol., 194, 662–672 (2024) Link
Ishikawa, K., Xie, X., Osaki, Y., Miyawaki, A., Numata, K., and *Kodama, Y.
Bilirubin is produced nonenzymatically in plants to maintain chloroplast redox status.
Sci. Adv., 9, eadh4787 (2023) Linkプレスリリース
Aihara, Y., Maeda, B., Goto, K., Takahashi, K., Nomoto, M., Toh S., Ye, W., Toda, Y., Uchida, M., Asai, E., Tada, Y., Itami, K., Sato, A., *Murakami, K., and *Kinoshita, T.
Identification and improvement of isothiocyanate-based inhibitors on stomatal opening to act as drought tolerance–conferring agrochemicals.
Nature Commun., 14, 2665 (2023) Linkプレスリリース
植物の表皮には気孔が数多く存在し、植物はこの孔を通して光合成に必要な二酸化炭素を取り込み、蒸散や酸素の放出など、大気とのガス交換を行っています。気孔は一対の孔辺細胞により構成され、太陽光に含まれる青色光などに応答して開口します。孔辺細胞に青色光が照射されると、青色光受容体フォトトロピンが活性化し、細胞内シグナル伝達を経て細胞膜プロトンポンプを活性化し、気孔開口の駆動力が形成されますが、青色光がどのようにプロトンポンプを活性化するのか、シグナル伝達の詳細は完全には明らかになっていません。本研究では、気孔開度制御の分子機構を明らかにするため、気孔開度に影響を与える化合物の網羅的なスクリーニング(約3万)を実施しました。その結果、アブラナ目植物がもつ天然物のイソチオシアネートであるベンジルイソチオシアネート (BITC) が細胞膜プロトンポンプの活性化を抑制することで気孔開口を抑制することが明らかとなりました。また、BITCの分子構造を改良することによって、抑制活性がBITCよりも最大66倍強いスーパーITCの開発にも成功しました。スーパーITCは、植物ホルモン・アブシジン酸をしのぐ気孔開口抑制活性を有し、かつ、効果がより長期間持続することが分かりました。さらに、これらの化合物をキクの切花や土植えのハクサイに散布したところ、乾燥による葉のしおれが抑制されることが明らかとなり、切花や生け花の鮮度保持剤や農作物の乾燥耐性付与剤としての利用が期待される結果が得られました。
Takagi, M., Hirata, R., Aihara, Y., Hayashi, Y., Mizutani-Aihara, M., Ando, E., Yoshimura-Kono, M., Tomiyama, M., Kinoshita, T., *Mine, A., and *Toda, Y.
Image-based quantification of Arabidopsis thaliana stomatal aperture from leaf images.
Plant Cell Physiol., 64, 1301–1310 (2023) Link
*Kinmonth-Schultz, H., Sønstebø, J.H., Croneberger, A.J., Johnsen, S.S., Leder, E., Lewandowska-Sabat, A., Imaizumi, T., Rognli, O.A., Vinje, H., Ward, J.K., and *Fjellheim, S.
Responsiveness to long days for flowering is reduced in Arabidopsis by yearly variation in growing season temperatures.
Plant Cell Environ., 46, 3337-3352 (2023) Link
Xie, W., Liu, S., Gao, H., Wu, J., Liu, D., Kinoshita, T., and *Huang, C.-F.
PP2C.D phosphatase SAL1 positively regulates aluminum resistance via restriction of aluminum uptake in rice.
Plant Physiol., 192, 1498–1516 (2023) Link
*Raghavendra, A.S., *Ye, W., and *Kinoshita, T.
Editorial: pH as a signal and secondary messenger in plant cells.
Front. Plant Sci., 14, 1148689 (2023) Link
Lee, N., Ozaki, Y., Hempton, A.K., Takagi, H., Purusuwashi, S., Song, Y.H., Endo, M., Kubota, A., and *Imaizumi, T.
The FLOWERING LOCUS T gene expression is controlled by high-irradiance response and external coincidence mechanism in long days in Arabidopsis.
New Phytol., 239, 208-221 (2023) Link
Yong, L.K., and *Kodama, Y.
Dark-induced chloroplast relocation depends on actin filaments in the liverwort Apopellia endiviifolia along with the light- and cold-induced relocations.
Plant Cell Environ., 46, 1822-1832 (2023) Link
Takagi, H., Hempton, A.K., and *Imaizumi, T.
Photoperiodic flowering in Arabidopsis: Multilayered regulatory mechanisms of CONSTANS and the florigen FLOWERING LOCUS T.
Plant Commun., 4, 100552 (2023) Link
Ding, M., Zhu, Y., and *Kinoshita, T.
Stomatal properties of Arabidopsis cauline and rice flag leaves and their contributions to seed production and grain yield.
J. Exp. Bot., 74, 1957-1973 (2023) Link
Kinoshita, S., Suzuki, T., Kiba, T., Sakakibara, H., and *Kinoshita, T.
Photosynthetic-product-dependent activation of plasma membrane H+-ATPase and nitrate uptake in Arabidopsis leaves.
Plant Cell Physiol., 64, 191-203 (2023) Link
Bashir, K., Todaka, D., Rasheed, S., Matsui, A., Ahmad, Z., Sako, K., Utsumi, Y., Vu, A.T., Tanaka, M., Takahashi, S., Ishida, J., Tsuboi, Y., Watanabe, S., Kanno, Y., Ando, E., Shin, K.-C., Seito, M., Motegi, H., Sato, M., Li, R., Kikuchi, S., Fujita, M., Kusano, M., Kobayashi, M., Habu, Y., Nagano, A.J., Kawaura, K., Kikuchi, J., Saito, K., Hirai, M.Y., Seo, M., Shinozaki, K., Kinoshita, T., and *Seki, M.
Ethanol-mediated novel survival strategy against drought stress in plants.
Plant Cell Physiol., 63, 1181-1192 (2022) Link
Vu, A.T., *Utsumi, Y., Utsumi, C., Tanaka, M., Takahashi, S., Todaka, D., Kanno, Y., Seo, M., Ando, E., Sako, K., Bashir, K., Kinoshita, T., Pham, X.H., and *Seki, M.
Ethanol treatment enhances drought stress avoidance in cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz).
Plant Mol. Biol., 110, 269-285 (2022) Link
Ichikawa, S., Ishikawa, K., Miyakawa, H., and *Kodama, Y.
Live-cell imaging of the chloroplast outer envelope membrane using fluorescent dyes.
Plant Direct, 6, e462 (2022) Link
*Toda, Y., Perry, G.J.P., Inoue, S., Ito, E., Kawakami, T., Narouz, M.R., Takahashi, K., Aihara, Y., Maeda, B., Kinoshita, T., Itami, K., and *Murakami, K.
Identification of stomatal-regulating molecules from de novo arylamine collection through aromatic C–H amination.
Sci. Rep., 12, 949 (2022) Link
*Ye, W., *Dong, J., and *Kinoshita, T.
Editorial: stomatal biology and beyond.
Front. Plant Sci., 13, 848811 (2022) Link
Blair, E.J., Goralogia, G.S., Lincoln, M.J., Imaizumi, T., and *Nagel, D.H.
Clock-controlled and cold-induced CYCLING DOF FACTOR6 alters growth and development in Arabidopsis.
Front. Plant Sci., 13, 919676 (2022) Link
Soda, M.N., Hayashi, Y., Takahashi, K., and *Kinoshita, T.
Tryptophan synthase ß subunit 1 affects stomatal phenotypes in Arabidopsis thaliana.
Front. Plant Sci., 13, 1011360 (2022) Link
*Ando, E., Kollist, H., Fukatsu, K., *Kinoshita, T., and Terashima, I.
Elevated CO2 induces rapid dephosphorylation of plasma membrane H+-ATPase in guard cells.
New Phytol., 236, 2061–2074 (2022) Linkプレスリリース
*Friml, J., Gallei, M., Gelová, Z., Johnson, A., Mazur, E., Monzer, A., Rodriguez, L., Roosjen, M., Verstraeten, I., Živanović, B.D., Zou, M., Fiedler, L., Giannini, C., Grones, P., Hrtyan, M., Kaufmann, W.A., Kuhn, A., Narasimhan, M., Randuch, M., Rýdza, N., Takahashi, K., Tan, S., Teplova, A., Kinoshita, T., Weijers, D., and Rakusová, H.
ABP1–TMK auxin perception for global phosphorylation and auxin canalization.
Nature, 609, 575–581 (2022) Link
Ueda, A., Aihara, Y., Sato, S., Kano, K., Mishiro-Sato, E., Kitano, H., Sato, A., *Fujimoto, K.J., Yanai, T., *Amaike, K., *Kinoshita, T., and *Itami, K.
Discovery of 2,6-dihalopurines as stomata opening inhibitors: implication of an LRX-mediated H+-ATPase phosphorylation pathway.
ACS Chem. Biol., 18, 347-355 (2023) Link
*Inoue, S.I, Hayashi, M., Huang, S., Yokosho, K., Gotoh, E., Ikematsu, S., Okumura, M., Suzuki, T., Kamura, T., *Kinoshita, T., and *Ma, J.F.
A tonoplast-localized magnesium transporter is crucial for stomatal opening in Arabidopsis under high Mg2+ conditions.
New Phytol., 236, 864-877 (2022) Linkプレスリリース
*Kinoshita S.N., and *Kinoshita T.
A win-win scenario for photosynthesis and the plasma membrane H+ pump.
Front. Plant Sci., 13, 982485 (2022) Link
Noguchi, M., and *Kodama, Y.
Temperature sensing in plants: On the dawn of molecular thermosensor research.
Plant Cell Physiol., 63, 737-743 (2022) Link
Ishikawa, K., Konno, R., Hirano, S., Fujii, Y., Fujiwara, M., Fukao, Y, and *Kodama, Y.
The endoplasmic reticulum membrane-bending protein RETICULON facilitates chloroplast relocation movement in Marchantia polymorpha.
Plant J., 111, 205-216 (2022) Link
Hirano, S., Sasaki, K., Osaki, Y., Tahara, K., Takahashi, H., Takemiya, A., and *Kodama, Y.
The localization of phototropin to the plasma membrane defines a cold-sensing compartment in Marchantia polymorpha.
PNAS Nexus, 1, pgac030 (2022) Link
Chonprakun, T., Horii, Y., Mori, M., Fujita, S., Ohtani, M., Tsuchiya, K., Kodama, Y., *Odahara, M., and *Numata K.
Non-transgenic gene modulation via spray delivery of nucleic acid/peptide complexes into plant nuclei and chloroplasts.
ACS Nano, 16, 3506–3521 (2022) Linkプレスリリース
Akiyama, M., Sugimoto, H., Inoue, S., Takahashi, Y., Hayashi, M., Hayashi, Y., Mizutani, M., Ogawa, T., Kinoshita, D., Ando, E., Park, M., Gray, W.M., and *Kinoshita, T.
Type 2C protein phosphatase clade D family members dephosphorylate guard cell plasma membrane H+-ATPase.
Plant Physiol., 188, 2228–2240 (2022) Link
Hayashi, Y., *Takahashi, Y., Fukatsu, K., Tada, Y., Takahashi, K., Kuwata, K., Suzuki, T., and *Kinoshita, T.
Identification of abscisic acid-dependent phosphorylated basic helix-loop-helix transcription factors in guard cells of Vicia faba by mass spectrometry.
Front. Plant Sci., 12, 735271 (2021) Link
Ren, Z., Suolang, B., Fujiwara, T., Yang, D., Saijo, Y., *Kinoshita, T., and *Wang, Y.
Promotion and upregulation of a plasma membrane proton-ATPase strategy: principles and applications.
Front. Plant Sci., 12, 749337 (2021) Link
Lin, W., Zhou, X., Tang, W., Takahashi, K., Pan, X., Dai, J., Ren, H., Zhu, X., Pan, S., Zheng, H., Gray, W.M., Xu, T., and Kinoshita, T., and *Yang, Z.
TMK-based cell surface auxin signaling activates cell wall acidification in Arabidopsis.
Nature, 599, 278-282 (2021) Link
Li, L., Verstraeten, I., Roosjen, M., Takahashi, K., Rodriguez, L., Merrin, J., Chen, J., Shabala, L., Smet, W., Hong, R.H., Vanneste, S., Shabala, S., De Rybel, B., Weijers, D., Kinoshita, T., Gray, W.M., and *Friml, J.
Cell surface and intracellular auxin signalling for H+ fluxes in root growth.
Nature, 599, 273-277 (2021) Link
*Toh, S., Takata, N., Ando, E., Toda, Y., Wang, Y., Hayashi, Y., Mitsuda, N., Nagano, S., Taniguchi, T., and *Kinoshita, T.
Overexpression of plasma membrane H+-ATPase in guard cells enhances light-induced stomatal opening, photosynthesis, and plant growth in hybrid aspen.
Front. Plant Sci., 12, 766037 (2021) Link
Ye, W., Koya, S., Hayashi, Y., Jiang, H., Oishi, T., Kato, K., Fukatsu, K., and *Kinoshita, T.
Identification of genes preferentially expressed in stomatal guard cells of Arabidopsis thaliana and involvement of the aluminum-activated malate transporter 6 vacuolar malate channel in stomatal opening.
Front. Plant Sci., 12, 744991 (2021) Link
Ding, M., Zhang, M., Zeng, H., Hayashi, Y., Zhu, Y., and *Kinoshita, T.
Molecular basis of plasma membrane H+-ATPase function and potential application in the agricultural production.
Plant Physiol. Biochem., 168, 10–16 (2021) Link
Wang, T., Ye, W., Wang, Y., Zhang, M., Aihara, Y., and *Kinoshita, T.
Protease inhibitor-dependent inhibition of light-induced stomatal opening.
Front. Plant Sci., 12, 735328 (2021) Link
*Toda, Y., *Tameshige, T., Tomiyama, M., Kinoshita, T., and Shimizu, K.K.
An affordable image-analysis platform to accelerate stomatal phenotyping during microscopic observation.
Front. Plant Sci., 12, 715309 (2021) Link
*Kinmonth-Schultz, H., Lewandowska-Sabat, A., Imaizumi, T., Ward, J.K., Rognli, O.A., and *Fjellheim, S.
Flowering times of wild Arabidopsis accessions from across Norway correlate with expression levels of FT, CO, and FLC genes.
Front. Plant Sci., 12, 747740 (2021) Link
Kubota, A., Song, Y.H., and *Imaizumi T.
Simple nuclei preparation and co-immunoprecipitation procedures for studying protein abundance and interactions in plant circadian time courses.
Methods Mol. Biol., 2398, 121-134 (2022) Link
Kato, S., Takahashi, Y., Fujii, Y., Sasaki, K., Hirano, S., Okajima, K., and *Kodama, Y.
The photo-thermochemical properties and functions of Marchantia phototropin encoded by an unduplicated gene in land plant evolution.
J. Photochem. Photobiol. B., 224, 112305 (2021) Link
Takahashi, H., and *Kodama, Y.
Culture-based preservation of Marchantia polymorpha gemmalings and thalli without encapsulation, drying, or freezing.
Plant Biotechnol., 38, 449-452 (2021) Link
Yokawa, K., and *Kodama, Y.
A green light-excitable FRET system for monitoring intracellular calcium levels in plant cells.
Plant Signal. Behav., 1963104 (2021) Link
Kamiyama, Y., Hirotani, M., Ishikawa, S., Minegishi, F., Katagiri, S., Rogan, C., Takahashi, F., Nomoto, M., Ishikawa, K., Kodama, Y., Tada, Y., Takezawa, D., Anderson, J., Peck, S., Shinozaki, K., and *Umezawa, T.
Arabidopsis group C Raf-like protein kinases negatively regulate abscisic acid signaling and are direct substrates of SnRK2.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 118, e2100073118 (2021) Linkプレスリリース
Yong, L.K., Tsuboyama,. S, Kitamura, R., Kurokura, T., Suzuki, T., and *Kodama, Y.
Chloroplast relocation movement in the liverwort Apopellia endiviifolia.
Physiol. Plant., 173, 775-787 (2021) Link
Oikawa, K., Imai ,T., *Kodama Y., and *Numata, K.
Effects of mitochondria-selective fluorescent probes on mitochondrial movement in Arabidopsis mesophyll cells evaluated by using the quantification.
Plant Biotechnol., 38, 257-262 (2021) Link
Oikawa, K., Imai, T., Thagun, C., Toyooka, K., Yoshizumi, T., Ishikawa, K., *Kodama, Y., and *Numata, K.
Mitochondrial movement during its association with chloroplasts in Arabidopsis thaliana.
Commun. Biol., 4, 292 (2021) Linkプレスリリース
Sanagi, M., Aoyama, S., Kubo, A., Lu, Y., Sato, Y., Ito, S., Abe, M., Mitsuda, N., Ohme-Takagi, M., Kiba, T., Nakagami, H., Rolland, F., Yamaguchi, J., *Imaizumi, T., and *Sato, T.
Low nitrogen conditions accelerate flowering by modulating the phosphorylation state of FLOWERING BHLH 4 in Arabidopsis.
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